Custom Works

This is a leather urn that Christopher Tekverk formed in 1980. It is now in a private collection. We work with designers and individuals always considering how the leather will function for a specific form. Every attention is given to both practical and artistic purposes.
For specifications and options see our Details Page

"Unbridled" Trinity yacht

Shagreen details on drawer faces

Hard Rock Cafe, New York Yankees' Stadium

Hand stitched, NM private residence

Polo Ralph Lauren

Private client

Peter Marino Architect, NYC

Montauk, NY Andy Warhol residence

Fish & Game Restaurant, Hudson, NY

Chair by David Ebner

Made for retiring Novartis CEO.

Leather over metal, cushioned seat, hand stitched

Office bin, Polo Ralph Lauren

Private customer

Private Collection

Removable arm covers, for conference room, NYC

Polo Ralph Lauren, Italy